SweetLife bouquet
Massive and unmistakable, this is the sign of another of our luxurious bouquets. This is a very delicate bouquet, in which, however, the entire contrast is underlined by distinctly pink roses, which means that a delicate bouquet will become a treasure that no one can overlook.
Luxurious gift packaging is already included in the price of the bouquet.
Category: | Mixed bouquets |
Size XXL
25x roses
10x chrysanthemum single flower
25x chrysanthemum santini
10x spray roses
5x hydrangeas
20x flower depending on the season (always peonies during peony season)
20 x decorations according to the color of the bouquet
Size XXL
12x roses
5x chrysanthemum single flower
12x chrysanthemum santini
5x spray roses
3x hydrangeas
10x flower depending on the season (always peonies during peony season)
10 x decorations according to the color of the bouquet
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